you can automate sending bulk emails. In case you dont want to send BCCs or even CCs, (some rare cases, i agree)..
if your content is all text or html, (the example given is for text), and the mail-ids you need to send individual mails are one per line in a google spreadsheet (customisable to add other data),
you can open the spreadsheet, go to tools->ScriptEditor
and start typing your javascript! heres an example that sends each mail to one individual at a time, in clear text
//This thing just adds a convenient menu/submenu in your spreadsheet window!
function onOpen() {
var subMenus = [];
subMenus.push({name: "Email File to selected Range", functionName: "mysendmail"});
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().addMenu("Email", subMenus);
function mysendmail() {
var numAddrs=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange().getValues().length;
for (var i=0; i
var toAddr=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange().getValues()[i].toString();
//Browser.msgBox("what is in toAddr is: " + SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange().getValues()[i].toString());
// this is the line that sends the mail
GmailApp.sendEmail(toAddr, "sendmail", "testing");
if you want to attach a file, you need to use MailApp's sendEmail interface that accepts the attachment.
MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, emailSubject, emailMessage, {attachments: fileName});
check the documentation for other cool scripting interfaces with google apps.
if your content is all text or html, (the example given is for text), and the mail-ids you need to send individual mails are one per line in a google spreadsheet (customisable to add other data),
you can open the spreadsheet, go to tools->ScriptEditor
and start typing your javascript! heres an example that sends each mail to one individual at a time, in clear text
//This thing just adds a convenient menu/submenu in your spreadsheet window!
function onOpen() {
var subMenus = [];
subMenus.push({name: "Email File to selected Range", functionName: "mysendmail"});
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().addMenu("Email", subMenus);
function mysendmail() {
var numAddrs=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange().getValues().length;
for (var i=0; i
var toAddr=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange().getValues()[i].toString();
//Browser.msgBox("what is in toAddr is: " + SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange().getValues()[i].toString());
// this is the line that sends the mail
GmailApp.sendEmail(toAddr, "sendmail", "testing");
if you want to attach a file, you need to use MailApp's sendEmail interface that accepts the attachment.
MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, emailSubject, emailMessage, {attachments: fileName});
check the documentation for other cool scripting interfaces with google apps.